Subscription Bouquets

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Local date is Sun 23rd Feb 2025, 15:15
Local date is Sun 23rd Feb 2025, 15:15

Subscription Bouquets

Set up a rolling subscription for a bouquet.

This is a wonderful gift for a loved one, I will deliver a hand tied bouquet to the given address every fortnight or month depending on what you have chosen, for as long as you have selected when setting up the subscription.
Please feel free to contact me with any favourite flowers or colours, and I will do my best to use them more frequently!

This could be for home or business use, if you are a business looking for a larger quantity of bouquets i.e. for tables in restaurants, or hotel decor  please contact me!

The price of subscription bouquets includes delivery, but you must sign up for more than two consecutive deliveries, please tick the box to say you have read this message and understand.

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